"We will guarantee inclusion for Irish people everywhere, both at home and abroad, enabling them to become proactive stakeholders in achieving this vision."
Eliminate the blame game
The banks and the government are not the only ones to blame. We all made hay while the sun shone and now we must all put our backs to the wheel to get the country on its feet again. Those who have jobs must work harder to create work for others and organisations must become more professional and more competitive. We’re all in this together.
T..E..A..M.. Together Everyone Achieves More!!
Inspire everyone to get involved in improving every aspect of our SOCIETY together:
Encourage the Creative, the Strong, the Enthusiastic ,the Brave to start businesses, export, social enterprises, create jobs, be innovative, become more efficient etc.
Everyone to focus on what we can do and not on what we can't!
Welcome-Céad Míle Fáilte to all our visitors and migrants, we want you on board for the next phase of our Nation's journey!
Connect with all our Diaspora and support winning of PROJECTS overseas.
Ireland the prodigal country
Thousands of disillusioned people are emigrating, some for the second time. I returned here from Australia but initially struggled to achieve recognition. Ireland must learn to respect its people, including those returning from abroad with international experience.
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